The Star's critic MARIA DUARTE recommends an impressive impersonation of Bob Dylan
The liberating mission of Chavismo set to continue
Here’s an antidote to the Venezuela election-induced tantrums of Western elites. GAVIN O’TOOLE reviews it
Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire
by Anya Parampil
OR Books £19.99
WHILE blanket Western outrage at the outcome of Venezuela’s recent elections offers more than a lesson in US imperial rabble-rousing, it can also teach us about how language is infused with power.
It can warn us, for example, about the continued dangers of swallowing Washington’s deceitful definition of democracy without reading the list of toxic ingredients on the packet.
Take the astonishing lengths to which the compliant Western media have gone to dismiss President Nicolas Maduro as a totalitarian tyrant — not least since the July 28 poll — eloquently unravelled in the Morning Star by Roger Harris and Peter Bolton.
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