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Britain’s communists launch their election manifesto
JOHNNIE HUNTER introduces the 12 priorities which will be taken to voters across the country by Communist Party candidates running in July’s general election

ON Monday June 3 the Communist Party is launching our 2024 general election manifesto at an online all-Britain meeting.
We are inviting all comrades, supporters and all those interested in knowing what the Communist Party stands for, why you should vote Communist on July 4 and why you should join the Communist Party and the YCL.
The general election on July 4 2024 is a pivotal opportunity to remove the Tories after 14 years in power and to build the struggle for peace and socialism in Britain.
As we approach this election, working people face a deep and systemic crisis — and we’re told the only choice we have now is between the virtually indistinguishable Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer.
At home wages are stagnant. Living standards are declining. Poverty is spiralling. Public services are crumbling. Our democratic rights and civil liberties are under attack. All of this while profits increase and the rich get richer.
Around the world war is spreading. Israel’s genocide against the heroic Palestinian people continues. The war in Ukraine grinds on. They are gearing up for a new cold war against China. Britain’s ruling class stands responsible and profits from it all.
But there is an alternative to Sunak and Starmer. There is an alternative to capitalism.
We can build the fight for a new society free from poverty, exploitation and war — a socialist society.
The Communist Party will be fielding candidates across Britain and is fighting to build a mass movement against austerity and war and to build the struggle for socialism.
We will be bringing popular, socialist, revolutionary and anti-imperialist politics to as many working people and young people as possible in the weeks ahead.
These are our 12 priorities for the 2024 election:

  1. Palestine: Solidarity with the Palestinian people — stop funding and arming Israel’s genocide, prosecute the war criminals and recognise the Palestinian State.
  2. Austerity: End austerity and properly fund local and national public services by taxing the rich and big business.
  3. The NHS: End the creeping privatisation of our NHS and properly fund it with massive investment across Britain.
  4. Public ownership: Take the railways, Royal Mail, water and energy sectors into public ownership and democratic control — without compensation for the privateers.
  5. Jobs and industry: create quality and high-paying jobs and apprenticeships across Britain by rebuilding productive industry. 
  6. Women’s rights: Give women full protection of the law against domestic violence and misogyny. Pension justice for WASPI women. Protect women’s sex-based rights. Equal pay for every type of work. Rights to socialised childcare and full employment rights for women from day one at work.
  7. Migration and anti-racism: Bring workers together at work and in communities. No scapegoating of refugees or migrant workers. For an anti-racist immigration and nationality law. Oppose right-wing racism and fascism. Combat anti-semitism and Islamophobia.
  8. Housing: Begin a mass campaign of council house building and introduce immediate controls on rent.
  9. Democracy: Abolish the House of Lords and reverse Tory and Labour attacks on our democratic rights, civil liberties and trade union rights.
  10. Progressive federalism: devolve new powers to the Scottish and Welsh Parliaments and create regional assemblies for England to intervene for working people, jobs and public services.
  11. Peace: An independent foreign policy for peace. Withdraw from Nato. Demand peace in Ukraine. End the new cold war against China and get rid of nuclear weapons.
  12. The environment: A new green industrial revolution to fight climate change.

These are demands which can and must be taken up by the whole left and labour movement in the months and years ahead.
Capitalism faces a deep and irreconcilable crisis. Now is the time to build a revolutionary socialist alternative.
Communist Party members and supporters will be active across Britain — including supporting other left and progressive candidates — to ensure that the Tories are booted out and the broad movement is strengthened in the process for the battles ahead.
The real struggle begins after we secure the removal of this corrupt, decrepit and warmongering government — and use the opportunity to advance and deepen the class struggle here in Britain.
Join us for Monday’s manifesto launch and hear exactly what is at stake, what we can do to win for working people and how you can play your part.
Vote communist wherever you can on July 4 2024 — and vote to kick the Tories out. Join the Communist Party and YCL today and play your part in the fight.

Register for the meeting at

Johnnie Hunter is director of communications for the Communist Party.

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