HISTORY has shown us in the clearest possible terms that when the Communist Party is strong, Britain’s labour movement, left and working class are strong.
Around the world, the unique record of Communist Parties for challenging the ruling class, raising the political consciousness of working people, winning and holding working-class state power and building socialism speaks for itself.
One of the many negative forces, but one of the most fundamental, facing the working class today in Britain is the absence of a Communist Party with this critical mass, strength and influence.
This is the reality and the scale of the task facing our cadres and delegates who meet this weekend for our 57th congress.
Significant progress has been made over the last two years.
Rejecting the stagnation faced by much of the left in Britain, our party has grown and renewed. A new generation has been inducted into our ranks and is now at the helm of our youth wing, the Young Communist League.
Party comrades have thrown themselves into new and diverse struggles that reflect the challenges faced by working people across Britain.
More and more comrades are distinguishing themselves and our party for their selfless and decisive contribution to the broad labour and progressive movement of which we are an integral part.
This has all required tireless work and has not been without significant organisational challenges.
Yet, as communists, we must be honest, clear and self-critical, with ourselves and with each other. We remain very far from where history requires us to be as a party deserving of our name.
We must also always remember that the process of rebuilding the communist movement is inextricably and organically linked to the reality of the class struggle and the situation faced by working people in Britain.
The circumstances faced by our class are undoubtedly difficult.
The ruling class is emboldened and is carrying out a sustained offensive against our hard-won rights and already impoverished living standards. Around the world, war rages, imperialism grows more reckless and oppressed peoples suffer.
This correlation of forces necessitates a strong Communist Party and forms the basis on which it will be built.
A new period of reaction and war requires a new period of struggle, new tactics and a fresh determination.
A key theme of our congress is the determination to build a united front in Britain against monopoly capitalism and war.
In order to turn outward to the class and to the broad movement to build a united front, we must also have our own house in order.
As a party, we must be more united than ever before for the difficult and trying period that lies ahead. Our 57th congress this weekend will undoubtedly cement this unity.
And in those struggles that lie ahead of us, as individual cadres in our branches, districts and nations and as a party in the broad movement, we must lead from the front and lead by example.
Individual bold acts are to be commended — but our aim, if we are to be a vanguard, is to earn the right to provide leadership to a movement many times greater than our own number.
We are building to be capable of providing political and organisational leadership to the thousands of struggles taking place in our communities, workplaces and campuses every day.
Our party must develop a face that is well-known and respected and reflects Britain’s contemporary working class.
This new period of struggle and of building the party demands a new boldness and urgency.
We can dispense with any siege or preservation mentality of the past.
We are growing, renewing and developing a new generation. We must cast aside the navel-gazing and sectarianism that characterises so much of Britain’s left. We are the party of a new type.
As individual cadres, we should always remember the words of Comrade Harry Pollitt: “No matter how small and unimportant what we are doing may seem, if we do it well, it may soon become the step that will lead us to better things.”
Our individual and collective efforts will define not only our success in rebuilding our movement but also our fortunes in creating a united front and the trajectory of the class struggle in Britain.
The new period of our struggle starts today. Let us rise to it together comrades.
Johnnie Hunter is the director of communications for the Communist Party of Britain.