The Star's critic MARIA DUARTE recommends an impressive impersonation of Bob Dylan
Home truths
JOHN FOSTER recommends the down-to-earth realism of a political memoir that navigates the surreality of Scottish politics
Hope and Despair: Lifting the Lid on the Murky World of Scottish Politics
Neil Findlay, Luath Press £14.99
THIS is the second volume of Neil Findlay’s account of his 10 years in the Scottish Parliament. It provides a brutal exposure of Scottish politics from 2017 to the present.
The years of hope were those between 2017 and 2020. Jeremy Corbyn’s manifesto provided a programme for working class empowerment which transformed the perspectives of the Labour movement in Scotland.
The last two years, 2020-21, were those of despair. Corbyn and, in Scotland, Richard Leonard were despatched — and Labour’s new leaders made it clear they would move back towards the politics of New Labour. Then, at the same time as Covid exposed the fatal flaws in both Scotland’s social fabric and its current political institutions, the SNP imploded.
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