The Star's critic MARIA DUARTE recommends an impressive impersonation of Bob Dylan
The opposite of forgetting is justice
BOB NEWLAND recommends a history of German colonialism whose history has been obscured by a selective focus on the Holocaust and a new wave of revisionism
The Long Shadow of German Colonialism - Amnesia, Denialism and Revisionism
Henning Melber, Hurst, £30
HENNING MELBER moved to Namibia (former South West Africa) with his family of German immigrants, in 1967. He joined the South West Africa Peoples’ Organisation in 1974 remaining an anti-colonialism activist ever since.
Germany’s colonial period was short compared to those of its European neighbours, lasting from 1884 until 1914. Following defeat in WWI, Germany’s African colonies, South West Africa (Namibia), Cameroon, Togoland (Togolese Republic and Ghana), German East Africa (Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi) and those in the Pacific, the Mariana, Marshall and Caroline Islands were distributed among the victor nations.
German companies continued to operate in these territories, often coming into conflict with those of the victors.
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