WE WILL NOT BE SAVED (Wildfire, £20) by Waorani leader and activist Nemonte Nenquimo begins with the story of a young girl and her brother Victor hearing the sound of a small plane descending to a patch of land in their remote community of Tonampare, located in the Yasuni National Park in the heart of the Amazon.
The book shares the inspiring and courageous story of Nemonte and her people, the Waorani, a tribe of around 5,000 hunter-gatherers who have faced violence from state and corporate entities, especially big oil corporations like Texaco and Repsol.
It also details the abuse suffered by the Waorani at the hands of a US missionary named Rachel Saint, who attempted to force the community to convert to Catholicism and used her power to help “God-followers” — oil businessmen — exploit and destroy the ancestral lands of the Waorani.