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Iranian workers demand action on labour rights
Amid plunging living standards, government corruption and state oppression, strike waves are spreading across Iran, reports STEVE BISHOP

THE Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (Codir) has called for the international trade union movement to back the calls of Iranian workers in their struggles for improved recognition, pay and labour rights.

The strike wave and industrial action which has been a feature of life in Iran for the past two years continues to escalate into 2024. At the end of December, after eight days of strike action, the workers of the Iran National Steel Industrial Group (Insig) in Ahvaz, in the south of Iran, decided to go back to work after they were promised that the employer will implement the Job Classification Act (JCA) at their workplace.

Without job classifications, workers can work full-time for years and be held in precarious temporary positions while being paid at varied rates, even while doing the same work. In particular, workers at the Insig work in an environment where the employer can at any moment deprive them of the right to make a living by simply disabling their entry cards. Workers live with the constant stress of becoming unemployed.

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