Opponent (15)
Directed by Milad Alami
THIS quietly powerful drama provides a fresh perspective on refugees, focusing on a man who is forced to flee Iran with his family to seek asylum in Sweden in the wake of a devastating rumour.
Iranian-born writer-director Milad Alami explores masculinity, intimacy and tolerance in this compelling tale about Iman (Payman Maadi) who, despite feeling powerless, insists on maintaining his role as family patriarch as he, his wife and their two daughters are sent to a refugee centre in northern Sweden. In a bid to improve their chances of being granted asylum he reluctantly agrees to return to wrestling and joins a local club.
Featuring real-life refugees, the film shows how they are treated like numbers as Iman and his family are kept waiting for months and years for their asylum application to be considered, and then rejected. In the meantime they are moved from one cramped room to the next.
Maadi gives a compelling performance as a troubled man who denies his sexuality while growing closer to one of his wrestling colleagues (Bjorn Elgerd). When he is faced by his former best friend in a wrestling competition it all comes to a head. This friend is the reason he left Iran. His distraught wife leaves him taking the girls back to Iran, but he cannot follow as homosexuality is illegal there and he could receive the death penalty.
This heartfelt drama delivers a stinging critique of societies like Iran which discriminate against sexual minorities and what that does to people. It concludes with a heartbreaking shot of Iman’s newborn son who will never know his father.
Out in cinemas tomorrow.
Close Your Eyes (12A)
Directed by Victor Erice