That should be warning enough to end the company’s contract with the NHS, writes LINDA PENTZ GUNTER
Bolivia – stand up for democracy and social progress
NEU activist LOGAN WILLIAMS writes on the need for international solidarity against far-right attempts to destabilise Bolivia’s elected government

IT IS vital now more than ever that we in the British labour and progressive movements stand firmly in solidarity with the Movement to Socialism (MAS) government in Bolivia, and all the popular organisations fighting for a better society in the face of a rising tide of violent acts committed recently on the streets by the right-wing opposition within Bolivia.
This rising tide of right-wing violence is led by Governor of Santa Cruz Luis Camacho, who had previously played a key role within the 2019 coup attempt that succeeded in causing the collapse of the Evo Morales government in 2019.
Camacho announced on September 30 an anti-government campaign of indefinite duration beginning on October 22.
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