Dear Champion,
As a child of the ’90s growing up in London I always idolised some of the characters I’d see wearing your brand, particularly those prominent within the London sub-cultures of Jungle/Drum and Bass and graffiti — the latter a culture I went on to play a significant role in.
I remember seeing images of Jungle MC’s Stevie Hyper D and Shabba wearing Champion garments back in the day — a grey spell out hoodie having a particular imprint. I was transfixed on trying to get one but in the early 2000s they were very difficult to find in Britain.
I settled for a less iconic olive green and blue one which my mum bought me aged 15 while we were on holiday in Italy in 2001 after stumbling across a Champion flagship store — something which did not exist in London at the time.
I never stopped hunting for that grey Champion hoodie though and, with Ebay failing to provide, I even spent a weekend in 2010 searching the thrift stores of NYC for one.