IN 2023 the Climate Majority Project was set up in Britain to help catalyse a shift towards mass citizen action that is urgently needed to effectively mitigate and adapt to the ongoing climate crisis.
Climate public intellectual Rupert Read, one of the co-founders of the project, talks to the Morning Star about the new book about the initiative, The Climate Majority Project: Setting The Stage For A Mainstream, Urgent Climate Movement, why 1.5°C is dead and the importance of trade unions to climate action.
IS: Before we get to the book I want to ask where we are in terms of the likely increase in global temperature (from pre-industrial levels) coming down the track. For example, a November 2023 Guardian headline reads “Deal to keep 1.5°C hopes alive is within reach, says Cop28 president.” What’s your take on this?
RR: 1.5°C was toast already before Cop28. The last year has shown categorically that we’re heading deep into the danger zone. The average global temperature is and has already been for the last year over 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels! The ship has sailed.