Special educational needs funding should be a number one priority for any future government
Teacher LEIGH SEEDHOUSE highlights the funding crisis for students with Send, thanks to years of neglect and underfunding
SPECIAL educational needs and disabilities (Send) funding should be a number one priority for any future government.
After 14 years of devastating cuts, 70 per cent of schools in England have less funding in real terms than in 2010. With an election coming up, we have a crucial chance to win back the funding that schools — and our students — desperately need.
Here in Oxfordshire 76 per cent of maintained schools have faced cuts since 2010, resulting in 35.3 million of cuts, which works out to be £400 less per pupil.
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A new proposed three-tier model for pupils with special educational needs is out of touch and will not provide the support which we know young people need, argues LEIGH SEEDHOUSE
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