With its track record of leveraging cultural power for US gain and barely concealed promotion of coup attempts, the US Agency for International Development will not be mourned among the US’s southern neighbours, write JOHN PERRY and ROGER D HARRIS
Nato, nukes and a new cold war
In the second of his three-part series on how the new Labour government’s foreign policy is likely to shape up, KENNY COYLE examines David Lammy’s writings on Asia and the Indo-Pacific region – where the risk of military flashpoints is high
DAVID LAMMY praises Ernest Bevin for his key role in the early years of the cold war.
He says that Bevin: “brought us the Nato alliance that is still the bedrock of our security and fought for a nuclear bomb as he put it with the Union Jack on top. A deterrent that remains a key element of Britain’s foreign and security policy today.”
The reality, of course, is that Britain’s “independent” nuclear forces are almost entirely dependent on the Stars and Stripes rather than the “Butcher’s Apron,” and Nato’s military command structure, rather than its toothless political one, has been under continued US control since 1949.
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Between military provocations against the DPRK and factional warfare at home, President Yoon’s martial law crisis continues to rock the South Korean state — and the US has to have known it was coming, writes KENNY COYLE
The chaos and confusion that has resulted from President Yoon’s failed coup reminds us that the nation’s US-backed elite has always been ready to call in the military to prop itself up, writes KENNY COYLE
Two recent high-level meetings between British and Chinese leaders have sparked controversy in the capitalist media but for all the wrong reasons, writes KENNY COYLE
In the final part of his series on Labour’s possible foreign policy in government, KENNY COYLE warns that the party’s so-called ‘progressive realism’ could see increasing aggression towards China, with added uncertainty over a potential second Trump presidency
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