ANGUS REID recommends an exquisite drama about the disturbing impact of the one child policy in contemporary China
McFarlane salutes Vaughan
McFarlane salutes Vaughan
MARK TURNER is thrilled by the the British singer’s tribute to the late great Sarah Vaughan

Zara Macfarlane
Sweet Whispers
(Eternal Source Of Light)
GIL SCOTT HERON once poked fun at po-faced purists with his release But Is That Jazz? Heron was one of that generation who changed popular understanding of jazz just as had Davis and Coltrane, Gillespie and Parker before them. In the late ’60s and ’70s Jazz bled into other forms of popular music and while arguably it’s more broadly appreciated today, in a variety of forms, there are still those who mournfully proclaim “jazz is dead.”
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MARK TURNER gets over his discomfort that US cultural imperialism means we know more about US subcultures than our own

It was the workers' own healthcare model in his home town of Tredegar that inspired the socialist's greatest work — the NHS — and it is in his home town that once a year we celebrate him and his ideals, writes MARK TURNER
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