The mass movement supporting Palestine represents potential political power that the left must now embrace as central to its strategy, writes HUGH LANNING, ahead of this Saturday’s Socialism or Barbarism day school in London
The Scottish peace movement is alive and well
We are meeting the need for a strong voice against military spending and warmongering in the trade union movement, writes Ayrshire CND secretary ARTHUR WEST

IN September 2015, Scottish CND and the wider Scottish peace movement were devastated by the passing of Alan Mackinnon.
Alan was a former chair of Scottish CND and was active across the Scottish and British peace movements. He was also a staunch supporter and insightful contributor to the Morning Star.
Every year, in the run-up to the anniversary of his death, I tend to reflect on the massive contribution he made in the struggle for a peaceful world.
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As political rhetoric tilts towards militarisation from both major parties, we must push on to redefine the role of the international courts and the very concept of ‘security’ itself, writes ARTHUR WEST

The Westminster government needs to be pressed constantly to be transparent on discussions it is having around post-Brexit trade deals, argues ARTHUR WEST
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As war spreads around the world, the revolving door between government ministers and arms companies demands stronger trade union opposition, argues ARTHUR WEST

Before voting we'll be well advised to look at the various political parties' stance with regard to nuclear weapons, suggests ARTHUR WEST

As political rhetoric tilts towards militarisation from both major parties, we must push on to redefine the role of the international courts and the very concept of ‘security’ itself, writes ARTHUR WEST