Ireland’s lacklustre election sees the status quo cling on
With the Green Party’s electoral wipeout and far-right’s failure, the traditional defenders of the ruling class maintain in control, and the multiple crises our nation faces remain unaddressed, explains the COMMUNIST PARTY OF IRELAND
THE outcome of the general election in the 26 counties will do nothing to solve the multiple crises of homelessness, health provision, rising prices and precarious employment facing many urban and rural working-class communities.
Nor will it deal with the continuing erosion of democracy, which sees the Irish government unable and unwilling to sever economic, cultural, and political links with the genocidal Israeli state because of pressure from the EU and the US.
The election was contested by 10 political parties, but they all had the same economic programme. There was no challenge to the existing economic system; they only differed in how to manage it.
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