The Chinese language only introduced a feminine pronoun in the 1920s. Now, it might adopt a gender-inclusive one, suggests JANET DAVEY
Strategies of resistance
SIMON PARSONS applauds the psychological study of prisoners dealing with a frighteningly oppressive world endured by far too many

The Unseen
Riverside Studios, London
CRAIG WRIGHT’s deft and thought-provoking script set in an isolation wing for political prisoners shows little evidence of its initial commission as a play about Jesus. Instead, the taut drama is based round the relationship of two contrasting prisoners and their violent yet troubled guard.
In near adjacent cells, Wallace, an articulate analytical doctor and Valdez, a reticent yet impassioned former actor have established a long-standing relationship based only on their verbal exchanges, frequently based around word games.
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SIMON PARSONS is discomfited by an unflichingly negative portrait of motherhood and its trials

SIMON PARSONS applauds an insightful state-of-the-nation play that explores the growing class divide in South Africa

SIMON PARSONS applauds a tense and thoughtful production that regularly challenges our political engagement and prejudices

SIMON PARSONS questions whether a dark take on Shakespeare’s Seasonal comedy is in harmony with the original text
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