The Star's critic MARIA DUARTE recommends an impressive impersonation of Bob Dylan
The right to live
MARTIN GRAHAM recommends an excellent starting point for unions and the wider movement for discussion of the housing crisis
Against landlords – how to solve the housing crisis
Nick Bano, Verso, £16.99
HOW can we solve the housing crisis? The government is set on relaxing planning restrictions in the hope that the private sector will step in and build the houses we need. Nick Bano disagrees.
In his book Against Landlords – how to solve the housing crisis he argues that there is no shortage of houses – it’s simply that the prices are too high and this is caused by the high level of rent that landlords can extract with impunity from renters.
He introduces his book with an apposite quote from Marx: “Poverty is a more fruitful source for house-rent than the [silver] mines of Potosi were for Spain... One section of society here demands a tribute from the other for the very rights to live on the earth.”
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Powerful exposition of Marxist political economy
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