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Indonesia’s dark role in the Rohingya massacre
A legal case at the ICJ has exposed the role of Indonesian arms sales that were crucial to enabling Myanmar to kill thousands of civilians, reports TOM SYKES

THE international arms trade isn’t exactly known for its moral consistency, but sometimes it throws up paradoxes that would be comic if they weren’t so tragic.

Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, stands accused by lawyers and human rights activists of selling arms to Myanmar that were used to kill at least 25,000 mostly Muslim Rohingya people between 2016 and 2017 (although the oppression of this group and many others is ongoing).

The genocide is one of the most egregious instances of Islamophobia in recent history and prompted all 57 member states of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation to launch a case against Myanmar in the International Court of Justice in 2019.

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