The mass movement supporting Palestine represents potential political power that the left must now embrace as central to its strategy, writes HUGH LANNING, ahead of this Saturday’s Socialism or Barbarism day school in London
The energy revolution: rhetoric and reality
We will fight to make sure the promises on job creation made by the SNP and Labour are delivered and that the coming green transition centres workers, writes Unite Scottish secretary DEREK THOMSON

IT’S an honour to follow in the footsteps of Pat Rafferty as the new Scottish secretary of Unite.
Pat was a first-class leader from 2010. He leaves with Unite growing in Scotland, and not many people can leave the building saying that.
It has been days since I took up the post, and the in-tray of issues facing the union is long. There are many challenges to face, with rogue employers trying to undercut the terms and conditions of our members and one of the most hostile Westminster governments in living memory — though hopefully not for too much longer.
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As we face savage cuts to our pay and conditions while the executive gravy train chugs on, Unite is putting the Scottish government on notice as workers prepare for a massive wave of resistance, writes DEREK THOMSON

DEREK THOMSON salutes Unite’s string of inflation-busting victories from bakeries to airports, but slams Labour and the SNP’s inaction over the Grangemouth refinery closure and badly fumbling the Just Transition process

Unite demands action to protect Scotland’s vital industrial asset — from sustainable aviation fuel to new green projects, we are ready to outline a vision for the refinery’s survival, writes DEREK THOMSON
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As Britain shifts towards greater use of green energy and away from fossil fuels, those in offshore jobs must be protected, with fair treatment, job security and a chance for workers to have a say in their own futures, writes ANN JOSS

DEREK THOMSON salutes Unite’s string of inflation-busting victories from bakeries to airports, but slams Labour and the SNP’s inaction over the Grangemouth refinery closure and badly fumbling the Just Transition process

One of the biggest tests for politicians and parties ahead of approaching elections is their commitment to support the 500 highly skilled jobs at Grangemouth, warns DEREK THOMSON