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An emergency injection for the NHS

An emergency injection for the NHS
Relatively recently the health service was at its peak — to reverse the incredible damage done by the Tories since 2010 we need billions going straight into state provision, writes JOHN LISTER

TODAY is the National Health Service’s 75th birthday. It remains a precious lifeline for the population as a whole, largely thanks to the increasingly valiant efforts of its 1.3 million staff, who have defied the odds to keep services going despite government policies.

But a record 7.4m on the waiting list and thousands of emergency patients left waiting hours on trolleys for lack of hospital beds are stark reminders of how far its performance has fallen.

When David Cameron’s Tory-led coalition took office in 2010 the NHS was reaching a peak of performance, with record low waiting times for elective and emergency care, and record high levels of performance and public satisfaction. These are now a distant memory.

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