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Education for the whole movement
by Gawain Little, General Secretary, GFTU

For over 125 years, our clear aims have been the promotion of solidarity, unity in action and education. That is why today we have launched the General Federation of Trade Unions Educational Trust (GFTUET) Education Fund. This fund represents a huge opportunity for the whole trade union movement to access our education programme.

For an annual donation, trade union branches and regions from non-GFTU affiliated unions will be able to access our online and residential education courses, supporting the expansion of our programme.

Over the last two years, our educational offer has grown with a mixture of online, residential, and hybrid delivery. We are not just interested in the growth of our programme but also the breadth of subjects and topics we aim to cover. In the past year, we have introduced a range of new courses, including a ‘Bargaining and Organising for Neurodiversity’ (Residential) and the ‘Strategy Series’ (Online).

These courses aim to both equip trade union reps and branch activists, as well as provide a space for the development of strategy, helping us face the issues of the day. Our commitment to education comes from a belief that trade union renewal relies on providing the opportunity for activists to develop and deepen their leadership skills further.

It is through this harnessing of activist energies, especially the incredible strike wave of recent years, that we can build a foundation to reverse the decline in membership of the trade union movement. This will also help build the power of the working class more generally.

We hope this new fund will become a ‘beacon’ for the investment in a new generation of trade union activists, whilst enriching the development of workplace reps today.

How the fund works is simple. For a recommended donation, based on membership size, each trade union branch/region will get access to a certain number of places on our courses, as determined by our fair usage policy.

We hope this fund will grow as our movement recommits to activist education, utilising coaching, mentoring, and developing leadership at every level of our movement. It is our intention over the next few months to widen access to our fund further to include local Trade Union Councils (TUCs).

The adage ‘educate, agitate, organise’ is more than a slogan on a banner for us. Education is a fundamental part of our identity and our driving purpose within the wider trade union movement.

To find out more and to join the education fund, go to our website here:

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