Both Conservative and Labour administrations have now refused to release research showing PIP payments are vital for disabled people’s survival, exposing the ideological nature of planned welfare ‘reforms,’ writes Dr DYLAN MURPHY
Neil Parish – anomaly or normality?
When a Tory MP is caught watching pornography on his phone in the House of Commons, can it really be regarded as a ‘moment of madness’? Or does it illustrate male entitlement, disregard and disrespect for women, asks ALI MORRIS

NEIL PARISH, MP for Tiverton and Honiton, announced his resignation on Saturday after a week of goings-on that resembled a circus show. Last week we knew that an MP had been seen looking at pornography on his phone in the House of Commons.
Then we were told the identity of the MP, followed by his resignation. This whole debacle, like so many other recent parliamentary scandals, will in no doubt be erased from the public’s consciousness shortly so politicians will be free to carry on behaving as if the rules don’t apply.
This scandal, however, gives us an opportunity to examine an issue that has been at the forefront of many women’s and girls’ lives.
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ALI MORRIS explains how a team of experts are providing support to local authorities assisting women in exiting prostitution

The decision to employ a man to roll out important sex-specific legislation for women and girls is downright arrogant and dangerous, writes ALI MORRIS
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