While slashing welfare and public services, Labour’s spring statement delivers a bonanza for death-dealing bomb merchants. We now see the true and terrible face of austerity 2.0, writes MICHAEL BURKE
The East is Red: campaigning with the Communist Party in eastern England
PHIL KATZ, all-Britain election co-ordinator of the Communist Party, describes a campaign that is taking socialism to the heart of rural communities in the East of England

BETWEEN now and July 2 nearly 200,000 homes in three constituencies in the East of England will receive a communist manifesto.
Thousands more have been distributed at high streets, in colleges, town centres, at hustings meetings, train stations and solidarity meetings and marches for the people of Palestine.
There would have been a fourth challenge in Herts but the candidate was threatened with the sack by their employer and had to pull back … but that episode isn’t over yet!
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From anti-apartheid work to uniting migrant workers, Sutton showed us how to build worker power, keeping socialism’s flame burning bright, and leaving London’s mighty May Day parade as his legacy, writes Phil Katz

In the last of a three-part series, PHIL KATZ explains how unions are best placed to present a positive, pro-worker, pro-public services alternative to the narrative of division, deregulation and greed peddled by Farage’s party

In the second of a three-part analysis, PHIL KATZ looks at areas where the labour movement should be able to demolish the new right-wing upstart party: its economic policies and attitude to the welfare state

Farage's party is a political machine deeply tied to the interests of US big business, writes PHIL KATZ in the first of a series of features on this growing force in British politics
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