THE seeds of the Morning Star Women’s Readers and Supporters Group (RSG) began to germinate at the Scottish Trade Union (STUC) Congress in 2022 in Aberdeen. Specifically at the Morning Star fringe. I was chairing and we had two great women speakers on the panel.
It was well attended and lively. Lots of questions and discussion. However, it was noticeable that audience consisted almost entirely of men. In fact there was only one woman. By then I was a member of the Morning Star Scotland Readers and Supporters Group (RSG) and when I thought about it, I realised that it was predominantly male too.
These men, young and not so... are excellent comrades who were and who remain totally supportive of women’s issues. They made us feel welcome in their company. However the subject matter of the Readers and Supporters and the Our Class, Our Culture events was often of greater interest to men than to women and it was noticeable that men attended in greater numbers.