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What next after the Cass review?
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GP and co-chair of the Clinical Advisory Network on Sex and Gender LOUISE IRVINE tells Ros Sitwell what the group would like to see in terms of implementing evidence-based healthcare and safeguarding for those experiencing gender issues in the NHS and beyond

What is Clinical Advisory Network on Sex and Gender (CAN-SG), who is it comprised of and what are its concerns?
CAN-SG is a network of over 100 healthcare professionals based in the UK and Ireland, including doctors, nurses, psychologists, therapists, surgeons and midwives.
Several of our members formerly worked in the Tavistock GIDS [Gender Identity Development Service clinic for children and adolescents], and many are currently providing clinical care to people with gender-related issues. Our aims are to:
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ROS SITWELL reports from a conference held in light of the closure of the Gender Identity and Development Service for children and young people, which explored what went wrong at the service and the evidence base for care