The mass movement supporting Palestine represents potential political power that the left must now embrace as central to its strategy, writes HUGH LANNING, ahead of this Saturday’s Socialism or Barbarism day school in London
What happens next at the Petroineos oil refinery is of crucial national importance
One of the biggest tests for politicians and parties ahead of approaching elections is their commitment to support the 500 highly skilled jobs at Grangemouth, warns DEREK THOMSON

WE celebrated May Day earlier this week at an incredibly important point in Scotland’s recent history.
There is a new first minister on the way, probably new Scottish Parliament elections along with a UK general election on the horizon.
Never has the voice of working people and trade unions been more necessary to the political and industrial debate in Scotland.
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ROS SITWELL reports from the three-day FiLiA conference in Glasgow

ROS SITWELL reports on a communist-initiated event aimed at building unity amid a revived women’s movement

London conference hears women speak out on the consequences of self-ID in sport
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Unite demands action to protect Scotland’s vital industrial asset — from sustainable aviation fuel to new green projects, we are ready to outline a vision for the refinery’s survival, writes DEREK THOMSON