That should be warning enough to end the company’s contract with the NHS, writes LINDA PENTZ GUNTER
‘We stand against the widening of war in the Middle East’
A joint statement supported by 49 communist and workers’ parties calls for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and Lebanon, the release of prisoners and concrete steps towards a sovereign Palestinian state within 1967 borders

WE, the undersigned communist and workers’ parties campaigning for peace and progress in the Middle East, hereby express our most profound concerns over the unprecedented escalation of the situation in the region with the Israeli multidimensional attacks on Lebanon and full-scale invasion of the country.
This has predictably resulted in retaliatory missile strikes by Iran on Israeli targets, following on from Israeli attacks on Lebanon and other provocative infringements on Iranian sovereignty.
We believe that if the current trend of developments continues, the region will be plunged into a cycle of conflict that could very easily lead to a globalised war. This would endanger the security of all states and peoples in our region.
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