That should be warning enough to end the company’s contract with the NHS, writes LINDA PENTZ GUNTER
Pledge-breaking Labour's corporate love-in reheats policies discredited over and over again
BERNIE EVANS despairs of a government that is asking the crooks sucking Britain dry how to get the economy back on track

LET’S face it. It’s not as though our hopes have been dashed by this government.
After all, Labour is a party led by someone who deceived thousands of party members into voting for him as leader by making 10 decent pledges, only for almost all of them to be ditched within months.
The same someone who has an affinity for accepting freebies, for himself and party, yet insists he is restoring trust in politics! He takes advice from Blairites, and appointed an ex-banker who claims the money-laundering, customer-exploiting City is the “crown jewel” of the economy, to be his chancellor.
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Labour’s ex-banker Chancellor plans deregulation while City profits soar and customers suffer — between money laundering scandals and the exploitation of Covid loans, it’s clearly time to end this madness, says BERNIE EVANS

Everyone knows the royals cost us all a fortune, but recent revelations have shown mind-boggling greedy behaviour, like charging hospitals and cancer charities rent — it’s time for action, writes BERNIE EVANS

Raising capital gains tax to match income tax is not only economically sound but morally just, potentially raising billions for public services — it’s an absolute no-brainer for any Labour government, argues BERNIE EVANS

Labour’s refusal to challenge banking profits or tax the rich exposes its painfully hollow rhetoric of ‘tough choices,’ while the trousering of freebies and schmoozing the gambling industry undermines its basic integrity, argues BERNIE EVANS
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Labour’s ex-banker Chancellor plans deregulation while City profits soar and customers suffer — between money laundering scandals and the exploitation of Covid loans, it’s clearly time to end this madness, says BERNIE EVANS

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