A new book shows the group’s close links to Labour Together, which hoodwinked the party membership into voting for Starmer on fake left promises. SOLOMON HUGHES attempts to get some answers about what ‘Blue Labour’ actually stands for
No more Rhodesias: renaming Africa
No more Rhodesias: renaming Africa
From Zimbabwe’s provinces to Mali’s streets, nations are casting off colonial labels in their quest for true independence and dignity in a revival of the pan-African spirit, writes ROGER McKENZIE

ZIMBABWE’S government has decided to rename the country’s provinces and rid them of colonial names.
This is the latest move by African countries to rid themselves of the yoke placed around their necks by the former colonial rulers through a process of Africanisation.
It follows the renaming of around 25 streets and public squares in the Malian capital, Bamako, that honoured French colonial administrators.
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The Guyanese scholar’s groundbreaking work revealed how Europe deliberately underdeveloped Africa while using its resources and people to fuel Western capitalism, writes ROGER MCKENZIE

China’s huge growth and trade success have driven the expansion of the Brics alliance — now is a good time for the global South to rediscover 1955’s historic Bandung conference, and learn its lessons, writes ROGER McKENZIE

The revolutions in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso against the old colonial powers are seldom understood in terms of Africans’ own agency and their rejection of the imperialist humiliation thrust upon them, writes ROGER McKENZIE

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