The Star's critic MARIA DUARTE recommends an impressive impersonation of Bob Dylan
The incubator of popular nationalism
MARTIN HALL relishes a meticulous, groundbreaking and erudite history of Serbia 1804-1941
Serbia: A Modern History
Marko Attila Hoare
Hurst, £65
THERE are certain cliches that are wise to avoid when reviewing a book, but then along comes a work that tempts you down that well-trodden path. The cliche in question is “exhaustive,” an epithet which Marko Hoare’s meticulous, groundbreaking and erudite Serbia: A Modern History thoroughly deserves.
An exhaustive book would normally demand an exhaustive review, but there is so much to say about the work that general remarks allied to a concentration on a couple of well-known periods might serve the reader better.
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