With its track record of leveraging cultural power for US gain and barely concealed promotion of coup attempts, the US Agency for International Development will not be mourned among the US’s southern neighbours, write JOHN PERRY and ROGER D HARRIS
Getting behind the people’s paper
Morning Star circulation manager BERNADETTE KEAVENEY shines a light on the work of the Glasgow Readers and Supporters Group
IT’S BEEN a while since we have had this column, but today seemed to be a great day to resurrect it. We want to highlight the work that our readers and supporters do in Scotland each week to promote and support the paper.
Here are some highlights from the Glasgow stall report from the weekend April 6/7.
“We started off early in the morning at the Unison conference in their offices on West Campbell Street” — the background to this is that the supporters had identified the conference and arranged for the papers to be purchased for every delegate.
More from this author
ROS SITWELL reports from a conference held in light of the closure of the Gender Identity and Development Service for children and young people, which explored what went wrong at the service and the evidence base for care
ROS SITWELL reports from the three-day FiLiA conference in Glasgow
ROS SITWELL reports on a communist-initiated event aimed at building unity amid a revived women’s movement
London conference hears women speak out on the consequences of self-ID in sport
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Star circulation manager BERNADETTE KEAVENEY thanks those who are out and about supporting the Morning Star today – including one reader who’s trekking across the Pennine Way. Do donate if you can!
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