PEACE remains the sticking point in coalition negotiations with the Christian Democrats (CDU) and Social Democrats (SPD) on forming a government in Thuringia, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) said as formal talks began today.
Earlier “exploratory” talks concluded only that they would “leave room for discussion of the topic of peace in Europe in future negotiations,” prompting criticism of the Thuringian party from national leader Sahra Wagenknecht, who says a commitment to peace negotiations to end the war in Ukraine and opposition to the stationing of US missiles in Germany should be red lines.
The party leadership in Berlin also urged Thuringian leader Katja Wolf to secure greater concessions on building social housing and protecting hospitals from closure, and said staying in opposition would be preferable to surrendering on principles. Ms Wolf vowed to “sharpen” the position on peace as she enters talks.