The mass movement supporting Palestine represents potential political power that the left must now embrace as central to its strategy, writes HUGH LANNING, ahead of this Saturday’s Socialism or Barbarism day school in London
Forging a better road for tomorrow
SIMON BRIGNELL explains why he’s compelled to stand in Cambridge local election on a Communist Party ticket

ACROSS the length and breadth of Britain, the local elections are once again upon us.
This year, my tradition of marching to the voting station with the bold intent of ticking a box and having a pint in the pub next door afterwards has been expertly dashed by the exasperating scenes I witnessed just weeks earlier in a Cambridge City Council meeting.
Said meeting was a housing scrutiny committee meeting to discuss the progress of a consultation for the redevelopment of Ekin Road. For those who don’t know, Ekin Road is in Cambridge’s most deprived ward, Abbey, while Cambridge itself is often cited as Britain’s most unequal city.
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