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When will the US and Britain join the global call to end the war in Ukraine?
As the rest of the world increases its efforts to bring about a negotiated peace, two nations are determined to prolong the killing — it's up to us to change their minds, write MEDEA BENJAMIN and NICOLAS JS DAVIES

WHEN Japan invited the leaders of Brazil, India and Indonesia to attend the G7 summit in Hiroshima, there were glimmers of hope that it might be a forum for these rising economic powers from the global South to discuss their advocacy for peace in Ukraine with the wealthy Western G7 countries that are militarily allied with Ukraine and have so far remained deaf to pleas for peace.

But it was not to be. Instead, the global South leaders were forced to sit and listen as their hosts announced their latest plans to tighten sanctions against Russia and further escalate the war by sending US-built F-16 warplanes to Ukraine.

The G7 summit stands in stark contrast to the efforts of leaders from around the world who are trying to end the conflict. In the past, the leaders of Turkey, Israel and Italy have stepped up to try to mediate. Their efforts were bearing fruit back in April 2022, but were blocked by the West, particularly the US and Britain, which did not want Ukraine to make an independent peace agreement with Russia.

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