NHS deaths at work are political
Health workers are becoming unwell, being refused testing and are dying due to deliberate decisions by our government. We must never forget this, says nurse and Labour councillor IAIN MOONEY
WHILE claps and “thank yous” are plenty, PPE and workers’ rights are scarce.
This government and the media are quick to shut down political opposition and criticism, claiming we all need to work together — but what happens when it’s only us left working?
As we approach one month since the government implemented a partial lockdown of Britain, still we see hundreds of daily deaths and conflicting guidance from the government.
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Labour promised change but delivers the same tired formula while private firms pocket millions and staff exodus continues — now workers must lead the fightback through their unions, writes IAIN MOONEY
IAIN MOONEY reports on Unison members’ reaction to government proposals to put nursing staff in different pay categories
It boggles the mind that those Tories responsible for our low pay would try and use it as a stick with which to beat the RMT and its demand for better wages — NHS staff must stand in solidarity with all striking workers, writes IAIN MOONEY
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Labour promised change but delivers the same tired formula while private firms pocket millions and staff exodus continues — now workers must lead the fightback through their unions, writes IAIN MOONEY
As a member-led union, Unison must put pressure on Labour as the likely party of the next government to defend our health service as a vital public service, says IAIN MOONEY
IAIN MOONEY reports on Unison members’ reaction to government proposals to put nursing staff in different pay categories