Crap politics: from the rivers to the sea

THE headlines about illegal sewage disposals have been stark enough. They make the nation’s map look like a bad case of chicken pox. Now the owners of Thames Water have defaulted on the debts they owe. The situation spirals from bad to worse.
• Water companies have dumped four million hours’ worth of sewage into Britain’s rivers during the last year;
• This is a 129 per cent increase on the previous year;
• Fish in the Portsmouth estuary now test positive for cocaine, anti-depressants and the contraceptive pill;
• In the 35 years before privatisation the UK built almost 100 reservoirs, in the 35 years since then none have been built, and
• Post-Brexit, the UK has opted for lower water standards than the rest of the EU.
The water industry claims sewage dumping is down to more torrential downpours and more vigorous national monitoring of “sewage spills” by the Environment Agency. But pause and think about this for a moment.