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British bases in Cyprus aid the Israeli war effort against the people’s will
CHRIS MENON reveals how Britain’s military bases, a dark relic of colonialism on the island, are being used to support Israel’s actions in Gaza, making Cyprus a target for retaliation and violating its sovereignty

CHARIS PASHIAS, general secretary of the Cyprus Peace Council, has called for the dismantling of British bases in Cyprus, which are being used to aid Israeli genocide against the wishes of a majority of Cypriots.
In an exclusive interview, he told the Morning Star: “Cyprus is a living example of how military bases do not solve problems, do not provide stability and security, but instead exacerbate militarisation and permanently increase tension.

“In the most blatant way in the last year, the US and Britain have turned Cyprus into a launch pad for war against the peoples of the region.”

Revealing press reports indicate that US war materials have been transferred from the military base in Akrotiri to support the Israeli army’s operations in the Gaza Strip.

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